Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pinning.Blah.Ellen & Eggs.

Not much going on around here today... just getting ready for work & seriously Pinterest-ing it up, daydreaming about the house and things I want to do to it! If you want a glimpse inside of my brain right now... just take a look at my "For the Home" board... I've got a problem. When we know more definitely that we are guaranteed to get the house, I am planning to write up a room by room list of all the things we want to do, but for the sake of not getting my hopes up too high  higher than they already are, I will hold off. Once (if) we get the house, I imagine that these posts will be filled with much more interesting things than they are today.

In unrelated news, my first day of work yesterday went pretty smoothly, further proof that I was nervous for no reason. I have a little double cubicle that I share with one other person (who I coincidentally went to Herron with), but it is some serious need of personalization. Right now it is looking pretty similar to this:

Not my cubicle. Just a random internet cubicle.
Mine doesn't have the overhead shelving, and like I said it is double cubicle.. so it's bigger... but you get the point... it is boring and has nothing on the walls. That will need to change.

One good thing that I realized about my new schedule yesterday is that since I don't go in until 5pm, I get to watch Ellen everyday! And I love Ellen!

Seriously. This is a highlight of the day for me.
Oh. and also this happened today:

Nothing like an egg from a clucking bunny.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mondays are the new Sundays...

Well... at least for me they are. My new work schedule is Tuesday through Saturday... starting this week, so this new schedule is going to take some getting used to. While I have been "working" at my new job for two weeks now, it was really just a training class for two weeks... tomorrow will be my first night out by myself, with real official work to do. I have to admit, even though I know I'm new... and even though I know they probably expect me to mess up a bit... I'm nervous! I typically do well under pressure though, so I will just take this as a sign that I will be fine. probably. maybe. possibly. 

On a happier note, we had a really nice and relaxing weekend. On Saturday, our awesome friend Justin came over, and we all went out for a drink. Which was especially fun, because we picked a random bar near our apartment that we had walked by before, but never been to, only to realize after we were there for 10 minutes, that it was a gay bar. Not that it was a bad thing... just not the sports bar we thought we were walking into. But I would definitely go back... the food was super good.

The boys. 
Also I forgot to take any pics while we were out... (bad new blogger!), so this is just a random pic of Justin and Zach goofing off. This picture could sum up most of the time we spend together anyways.

We got a little bit of house news today...not much... but basically things are on track right now! AND we got our tax return this morning, which is good news because it's our down payment! Just a couple steps closer to setting our feet inside our new home.
This will be the view when we do step inside that front door again!

It feels like it will take forever... but I'm trying to be patient! We will keep everyone posted! Until then it's a lazy Sunday Monday around here...

G'night all!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Here we go....

Please feel free to sing that title like the the intro to the N*SYNC song, although for the record I prefer the Backstreet Boys. But for real... I have decided to get this whole blog thingy started for several reasons.

Zach and I have a lot of changes going on in our lives right now, and while I have been entirely too tired to "journal" at the end of my days, I want to document what is going on somewhere. A blog seemed appropriate, and less time consuming.

As for those changes... I just started a new job. My first REAL grown-up job, with a set schedule and eventually, benefits and vacation days. It's a strange and exciting thing to be going through. I can remember being younger (ok even just 4 years ago at the start of college), and trying to imagine what this first (REAL) job would be like... it was always just some blurry & indistinct fantasy land where I was super cool, and there was very little thought about the actual work that was being done.

This is me. About 2-3 years ago... at school.  Can't you see just how cool I am (& will be in the future)?
The point here is that art school is a weird and wonderful place. It prepared me for more than I realized it would in this post-graduate life. (yep... I learned things whilst foot-print painting. valuable things.)

The other BIG change that is happening.... we are buying a house! Probably the most  grown up thing we've done since we got married.... it is slightly terrifying at times. As it stands right now, we have found a place that we love. We put in an offer... it was accepted. We had an inspection, asked for some minor repairs, got some of the repairs done by the seller, all while we are waiting on the bank to officially approve us for the loan to buy said house of our dreams.

Said house of our dreams.
This is one of the big reasons I wanted to start writing things down. We have a lot of plans and ideas for this new space, (assuming that all goes well with our loan, and it actually ends up being OUR space) and I want to be able to document and share these things for family and friends... and also just for ourselves. I'd like to look back and remember these times fondly... one day... when all of the stressful parts have been forgotten.

It has a yard. Did I mention that it has a yard? Seriously.... (and we may or may not have already been looking at puppies)....we could get a dog.

Not the puppy we are looking at. Just one that I miss... and one that will make you smile :D